Thursday, April 23, 2020

Good Girl

Lady Bug Mask: handmade by KJ, swimmer

            “Where’s your mask?” Flamboyant Geezer barks at me as he lugs the big blue recycle bin out for pickup. Huh? I think to myself. What’s he talking about? I’m not in the pool. I don’t need my mask walking around the neighborhood.
            Or do I?
            It’s all so confusing. When all of this started, they said (who said? I dunno. The all-knowing all, all-commanding, THEY) we didn’t have to wear masks. That the virus wasn’t in the air. It was difficult to catch this way. I remember Ian and I at the store, a masked couple crouched down together selecting granola bars, our shaking our heads, my asking, “What’s up with the masks?” and Ian answering, “Obviously, they are uninformed. Or just paranoid. We don’t need masks.”

            And so we didn’t wear masks. At least not then. Now, I see everyone wearing them. Not just at the store. Is it a new edict? Have things gotten worse, not better?
            Yesterday, I had read an email to all faculty and students at FFU—masks must be worn to enter the building. Earlier today, I saw on the news a man being turned away from Whole Foods because he hadn’t donned a mask beforehand. But walking in my neighborhood? Is this really necessary? When I go for my 3-mile jaunt, I might see half a dozen others out walking. There’s plenty of room to cross the street, or hell, even walk in the middle of the street.

            Is the virus just floating in the air now? What’s the good of the 6 ft. social distancing if it’s this invisible and pervasive?
            I think THEY just don’t know that much about the transmission.  All they know is that people catch it from each other, from sneeze and cough droplets in the air, on surfaces. And, now? It’s floating around in the air on 32nd street, Richmond?
            I keep marching past Flamboyant Geezer. Note that he does NOT have a mask on. Do you not need one to take the trash cans out? Do you not need one if you’re just standing on the curb bellowing at your neighbor across the street who also is not wearing a mask?

            Does the virus not reside in the bellowing?
            I have no clue. I just chuckle a little today, defending myself to him. “Do I really need to wear one now? I wore one when I went to Safeway last weekend.”
            He grins. Would have given me a Big Slap on the Back if it hadn’t been for Social Distancing, which thankfully,  he was observing.
            Today, he just guffaws. Then commends me, “Good Girl!”
            I shake my head. Okay, I won’t stop and reprimand him for the patronizing, sexist congratulations. Yet a part of me wants to punch him. Social Distancing prevents my impulse for violence. So,  I guess there are a few good things about the current protocols. 


  1. Do bank robbers now have to wear extra masks? And keep 6 ft away? They say (THEY?) that crime is down along with so many other kinds of business, except alcohol sales. I like the social distancing preventing violence. We're all safer from burglars and pickpockets... unless the invisible bogeyman virus gets us...

    1. I think robbers were already wearing bandannas,right? So they're prepared! Yet, they are the purveyors of violence, so yeah, social distance works for me, but maybe not them. That's funny,though, Ian. Thanks for reading!

  2. Well, we can always rely Trump guidlines...LOL


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