Saturday, October 3, 2020

That Idiot Trump


“Who knows what comes?…… Yeah…uh, uh…. Did you see that Idiot, Trump, got It? Ha ha ha haaa!”

There is a Diabolical Glee to his chuckle. Sitting on his porch, with a black mask on and a fluffy little dog at his side, the man shifts the phone to his other ear, continues on with his conversation that I don’t hear the rest of. I’m walking.

            And I’ve heard enough.

            I have to admit, when I first heard the news of Trump contracting the coronavirus, I thought to myself, well no surprise. The guy has been flaunting the public health protocols of wearing a mask, social distancing and testing since the pandemic started. The arrogance of his invincibility has finally caught up with him. Serves him right.

            But then as I think about, I wonder, what now? Will all the staff of the White House come down with the Virus? And then what? Who will run the country?

            Part of me thinks that NOT having Trump running the country would be great. He’s a nasty misogynist racist dictator who’s done whatever he wants for the last 4 years. Including ignoring the severity of this pandemic. Yet…..another part of me is scared. What will happen now? Trump was helicoptered off to the hospital yesterday. There was much speculating on Stephen Colbert about whether this was because Trump was very sick or if they were just being cautious because it was the President of the US.

            Who know? It’s not like this administration has ever been ‘transparent’ with the public. There has always been a blatant disregard for the populace, including denial about the severity of this pandemic. As a result, both Trump and Melania are sick now --and she may fare better ---being younger and slimmer in her spike heels and slender suits---at least she looks good! Whereas he’s old and obese and high blood pressured and who knows what other underlying conditions he has—all add to his risk at getting very sick or even dying.

            Would this be a good thing? To have him die? Again, part of me can’t help but think, he deserves it. But a bigger part of me, like Colbert was saying last night, is that after all, he is a person, a human being, albeit an evil one, and so we should treat him with compassion and humanity.

            I just can’t feel that sorry for him. And, while I’m worried about what comes next, I still can’t help but think that Trump asked for this. He was just playing with fire the last 7 months by disregarding all the warnings from his health officials. I mean, what’s up with huge rallies for his campaign and NO ONE wearing masks or social distancing? What did anyone expect?

            But in spite of this ‘Duh’ Factor, I still am in a state of shock. It’s not a good situation as my students would say.

            What comes next? Who knows?

            I just hope that Trump gets pretty sick, you know? And then does recover. But if he doesn’t get sick, then he’ll just use this to say, “See? I told you so! This Virus is no threat. I’m fine. We’re all fine. It’s not a big deal. I’m great. I’m fantastic. Some stupid little Virus can’t keep me down! Don’t worry people!”

            Never mind the fact that over 200,000 people have died in the US so far. That over 1 million people have died world-wide.

            But no big deal. The virus isn’t a threat. Go back to work. Go back to dinners out. Go back to normal.

            It’s all a hoax.

            Really, Donald? How you feelin today? Like it’s no big deal?

            I bet not. I just bet the hell not as you lie in your hospital bed running the country in a Virus Induced Fevered Haze.

            I sure hope nothing else happens while he’s in the hospital. Cuz, you know, what will Pence do?

            I don’t even want to know!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what will happen next in 2020--what a crazy year. I've already seen the signs from MAGA, "The hero rises to Make America Great Again. Stomach turning for sure. On the plus side, I'm getting a kitten a day in my in box from the Berkeley Humane Society!


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